Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gilding the Lily

I took a ride down through Big Sur a few weeks ago on a stormy Saturday morning. It rained intermittently, but the sun was in and out and the temperature warm. I went down to a favorite spot where Garrapata Creek spills out into the ocean. A few hundred Cala's line the stream just before the water hits the beach. I had the place to myself.

It was magnificent. Every plant and rock were like toddlers calling out..."shoot me!", "no, take my picture", "no, it's my turn!" The competition for attention was fierce. The colors were rich in the rain soaked surfaces. Each drop of water on leaves and petals contained a reflection of the dome of the universe above. The light changed dramatically every second. I spent hours completely lost in another world. Each drop of water on leaves and petals contained a reflection of the dome of universe above.