Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Gettin' into it!

I'm thrilled to be working again. I did a three day trip last week. I did well while I worked, but I slept a lot during the day for the next three days. I recovered by Monday, played 18 holes and packed again for a two day trip this week. I don't think I could do more, but I'm really fulfilled by the work I am able to do.

We are very happy with the way our home is shaping up in Pacific Grove. We have our best furnishings placed and it feels great. Everything is close by in this small town. We can reach hardware stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, and restaurants within a few minutes. We can lend my mother some support and she lives a few minutes away. We can go to the beach and have a sandwich for lunch with no effort at all.

We are beginning to feel that all the effort of moving and consolidating is paying off.

I am stunned by the work opportunities. As the months of treatment rolled on, I had to wonder if all my work momentum would grind to a halt. I wondered if I could ever get things restarted when I was ready. Consulting is notorious for taking a long time to start and restart. I seem to have great opportunities with each of the clients I had when I had to stop work. In addition, I have several new clients as well. I can't get back to full strength fast enough.

I'm also starting to work on photography again. I'm going to place a photograph in a show that is coming up at the end of October at the Monterey Art Museum called "Miniatures". It's not a big deal, but it feels great to be engaged again.

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