Sunday, February 10, 2008

I can breath again...

When you have a day scheduled such as last Friday you hold your breath as the day approaches. I was to hear about the status of the Pulmonary Emboli that was discovered three months ago. I was also to hear the results of the ultra sound scan of my legs where the clots were produced. I needed another breathing test. And then, there is the dreaded contrast CT scan and those results.

And, at the end of 48 hours of breathless anxiety, I could sigh with relief. My lung capacity went from 82% six weeks ago to 97% on Friday. That's amazing! I had been gaining 2-3 % every six weeks and I thought it would take a lot longer to get back to normal.

I also passed another scan with no sign of cancer. They don't need another scan for six months. The pulonary emboli are cleared up. My legs are clear. My weight is stable. I'm working out a lot and gaining muscle back a lot faster than I imagined I would.
I probably need to go back and have my esophagus dilated again in a few weeks, but that is expected, routine, and relatively easy to get done.
Life is getting better and better.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Glad to hear this great report, Dad, and what a wonderful birthday present for Mom on Friday!!