The Condors must have been forced out of the hills and over to the beach. We saw about a dozen of them and they were flying low. They just stretched out their nine foot wingspan and soared with the updrafts of the sea cliffs. They didn't use any energy flapping those wings. They just stretched the large black and white feathers in every direction.
That's how I feel. I'm starting to stretch out in every direction. I have a huge pent up desire for everything...relationships, exercise, work, photography, painting, church, and politics. I've never felt so alive. My desire is greater than my energy, so I have to be careful. But it feels sooo good!
I'm still not able to work full time, but I'm continuing to make progress. I'm spending a couple of days a week, on the average, at Lawrence Livermore Labs. It looks like I'll do that for at least another year. I'm going back to the Orange County Unified School District to help them with the next strategic plan early next year. I finished a pilot with HP Software that went well and I'll probably do another engagement there before long. I also finished an engagement at Cisco. Every week I'm a little stronger. I work hard for a few days and then I exercise and rest for a few days.
Our move to Pacific Grove is a year old. It was a great move. We feel as though we fit in. The area is small compared to Silicon Valley and London. People are friendly. They reach out. We know enough people, now, that we run into friends wherever we go. The place is physically beautiful and constantly changing with the shifting weather. That was no surprise. What was a surprise was the social intimacy. We love it here! We're soaring!
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