Friday, November 21, 2008

Bringing Your Right Brain to Work!

December 3, 2008 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Universalist/Unitarian Church of the Monterey Penninsula
490 Aguajitio Road, Carmel, CA 93923

For over a century, the most workplaces have honored and rewarded a workforce that is deeply rooted in left brain talent and focus. As the world becomes more complex and fast paced, it is increasingly impossible to drive success exclusively from the left brain. The breakdown of America’s and the world’s economic system offers a rare moment to integrate the right brain into the left brain dominant workplace

This workshop explores a model for understanding complexity and the need to balance left and right brain capabilities in the workplace. It is designed to show how the emerging sciences of ethology, cybernetics and systems theory combine to help us better understand the world and the way our organizations can keep up with rapid evolution of everything around us.

Co-Facilitator-Bob Sadler is a management consultant with 30 years of experience in the management of organization development and change. .

Co-Facilitator-Peter Roberson is the founder of Human Insight, LLC which is based in London and is the author of the book “Always Change a Winning Team”. .

Cost: $20.00 Donation to UUCMP with Reservations --$30 at the door:
Call Bob Sadler 4156010754

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