Work is now slowing down for the holiday break, and its been great. I don't think I've ever enjoyed this combination of clients and activities more.
Our pilot workshop called "Bringing Your Right Brain to Work" went very well. We decided to keep going and offer four additional workshops in January and February. I think the workshops will be great and I think the nation is yearning for a solution to this devastating state of the union. The arrogance has gone out of the business community. The left brain dominance of the last 30 years has reached its natural end. The next 30 years is too complex and too fast paced for anything but strong left and right brain balance. Leaders who are too dominant on the left or right brain hemisphere need to partner to get balance. The workplace is loaded with left brain dominant managers. Right brain dominant people have mostly left business or are hiding out in a role that looks left brain dominant.
We need to develop a place where people can exercise the right brain hemisphere and integrate it with work...and life. We need to develop a place that is culturally accessable for left brain domnant people. We need a boot camp that interupts the patterns of business, develops the right brain capaibilites and builds a new combination of achievement and innovation...of analysis and relationship...of sequence and random.
The journey to build that place has begun.
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