Monday, July 23, 2007

Surgery plus 61 days

My exercise this week involves sorting through closets and drawers in San Carlos and weeding out what we don't have room for in Pacific Grove. I'm afraid that most of the work is falling on Sharon, but I'm able to do more than I have before. I have my last visit with the surgeon on Thursday and fully expect that he will be pleased with my progress. I'm not ready to go back to work quite yet, but I'm making steady progress in that direction. We have a swimming pool in the community and I've been there for a while each afternoon. I have scars on the front and back of my torso that look like the seams on a baseball. I fully expected people to run out of the area when I took my shirt off. So far, only quickly averted eyes....except for the young children who stare with great curiosity. I'm used to it already.

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