Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm free!

I'm so happy to see that Jordan did a couple of updates this week while I was unexpectedly confined to the hospital. I was released this morning in time for my 22nd radiation treatment. The clinic hit the panic button on Tuesday morning when they saw that my pulse was suddenly running 165 and was arrhythmic on top of that. So, they sent me to the emergency room instead of radiation. The emergency room did some additional testing and confirmed that I had a problem. I was admitted to Stanford Hospital in the cardiac wing. I felt fine through it all. After several interventions, my normal heart returned for six hours and then slipped back to arrhythmia. They tried several medications and by this morning, things looked more promising. So, I'm home recovering from three nights in the hospital. Those are the facts. The details are a lot more fun to talk about, but I need a night's sleep before I can describe the adventure.

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