Sunday, March 11, 2007

Somewhat better

I improved each day over the weekend. The nausea is gone and the medication to control it is on the reserve list. That's a huge relief! I still experienced waves of weirdness. At some point, this morning, I looked out into the garden and saw a fantastic scene. Every color and the light itself was amplified by 25%. It was like moving from black and white to color in "The Wizard of Oz". I blinked. It was still there. I looked away because it was too intense to take in. I thought about the situation a minute and decided that I should just enjoy the moment. I pulled up a chair and enjoyed the show. It was marvelous! Finally it passed and came back as an amplification of my hearing. Every sound was 25% louder. I enjoyed that for a while by turning down the TV. Then, I felt tired and snoozed for 10 minutes. It got to be a game. Throw me something nasty and let me see if I can enjoy it. I won!

By noon, I decided to have a grand day out. Sharon and her sister took me to lunch at the Ritz in Half Moon Bay. I ate my largest meal in the past 10 days. We ate in the tea room that overlooks the ocean. This was the nicest day of the year so far. We saw temperatures in the 80's!

So, I'm ready to get going again tomorrow. A morning blood test along with blood pressure and weight will determine that I am ready to continue treatment. Last week, my blood pressure dropped dangerously low and several other indicators raised eyebrows. I think the better weekend will improve the numbers. We'll see.

Again, thank so much for your constant expressions of love and support. It means the world to me.

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