Friday, June 1, 2007

I'm home from the hospital!

I'm doing very well thanks to some great doctors, loving family, and friends. The cancer is gone completely. I'm cured. Now, I will focus on recovering from surgery. It was an amazing experience that has produced a lot of learning and some great stories that I will share with a little more distance.

I'm grateful to Sharon and Jordan for keeping the blog up to date for the past 10 days. They were exhausted and still took the time get on line.


North McKinnon said...

Bob and Family,

Way to go!- keeping the faith, loving each other and seeing all this through with your courage and trust. Getting better and better is a day by day process. As you get better we all do. Thanks so much.


Charlotte Gordon said...

Hi Bob,
We are so glad to hear that you are home. They wouldn't have sent you away - with cheers from the staff! - if you weren't ready for this.

Rest, and listen to your body. Busy folks like you sometimes find that hard to do, but accommodating your body for two or three weeks now will produce a big payoff sooner. Enjoy the return to the simple comforts of home -- your own bed and pillows, your favorite chair, the books and music you love, and best of all, your own schedule!

Fondest good wishes from Charlotte and Alan