Thursday, January 18, 2007

The new strategy settles in

I have an appointment next week to prepare for radiation treatments. I'm waiting to hear about a date to do more sophisticated CT scan that will examine other most of my body for the possibility that the cancer has spread. So far, every other test has been negative and we expect this one to be negative as well. The outcome will determine the level of chemotherapy. At the moment, I may get a relatively light treatment.

It was difficult to get accustomed to the thought of missing work for six months. I notified clients. They were very supportive.
I will work one more day tomorrow and that will be it. I need to be available next week for tests and preparation for treatment. It's a weird feeling. Two days ago, I was resigned to missing two months of work just to get through surgery. Today, I am looking at six months of treatment. We feel whip lashed with change. I'm supposed to be a change management consultant who knows how to do these things, so I'm not going to admit to anyone that I can't handle it. Damn, this is hard!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As you cope with all these changes, Bob,
Stay focused on the goal,
Keep your eyes upon the donut,
And not upon the hole!

Love and prayers,